Prioritize Your Travel
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. – Saint Augustine
Avid travelers are constantly looking towards their next trip. Whether it is to the next city or the next continent, a travel bucket list will help you to prioritize and focus your travel goals.
First, let’s dream a bit. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Make a list. Not just a mental list, but a full-fledged write it out list. I’ll wait while you do that. OK? Now that you have your list, make another column and prioritize that list by your most passionate must see to the it would be nice categories. Some destinations on my personal list are as follows:
Tahiti, New Zealand, Spain, the Greek Islands, Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, An Eastern Europe River Cruise, Belize, Costa Rica, New Orleans, Vermont, and Nova Scotia.
Of course, if you are traveling with other people, you will have to get some input from them as well. Travel can be done alone or can be shared with a spouse, a child or a grandchild. Travel is a great gift to share with anyone.
My top priority will depend on a few factors. How much time do I have for my next trip? How much money can I save in the time provided? When do I want to travel next? If the destination is everything, let’s say Tahiti, then my planning could be a bit different.
Destination Tahiti: Cost – $4,000 ( just to use a number)
Questions: How long will it take to save this amount? Answer : 18 months
This leads to an approximant travel date of 2 years away.
If I want to base my travel solely on cost and a time-table and I can save $1,500 in 6 months, then I would return to my bucket/wish list and decide which destination I can see within my budget. In this case, maybe Belize or a domestic location.
My main point is that without my bucket list prioritizing my travel, I would not travel as often or as freely. Travel is not just a vacation. Travel is a way to experience other cultures, step into history and learn about the world around us, while having a great time and making memories that will last for years. Make your list to explore new places and new faces. Let me know if you need any suggestions.
Kathryn Gerken is an independent consultant with Montrose Travel. She works out of her home in Newcastle, WA. Kathryn is an avid traveler.